Album Review: The Mudd Club - "Give Me A Thrill"


So this is it then, our final album review of 2022 before we wind down for Christmas and it's definitely one that I was a bit excited about. We first encountered part-Welsh part-American scuzz-punks the Mudd Club via their rather excellent Bottle Blonde album last year and Give Me A Thrill has just to say beaten our cut off point for 2022 so let's see if it can grab itself a place in our end of year list.

It gets off to a good start with Friday Night On A Monday Morning sounding like Blondie staggering home from the local lock-in at 6am before the Cramps-esque title track chucking an undeniable groove into the mix. There's an enjoyably sloppy feel to a lot of the tracks here such as Calendar Ghoul and the strutting Tattoo which carries on the feel from their first album and I'm certainly not complaining about that while You'll Never Change Me, Brand New Shoes and Throwaway Lover go into almost Cramps style rockabilly territory. A comparison could definitely be made with Amyl & The Sniffers' much improved second album and that's definitely a good thing.

Truth be told, there's not really been a lot of progress here from the Mudd Club's first album but the fact is that their formula's working pretty well here so it's not an especially big issue (although next time around a little bit of progress to keep things interesting might be advisable). For now though, Give Me A Thrill is thirty minutes of enjoyably rough around the edges lo-fi punk that'll put a smile on your face. And there's much worse things to be than that.

Bandcamp Link

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑 (8/10)


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