The Nite Songs Singles Bar - August 2022


Summer in the city and the air is still as Aztec Camera once sang. Though not that still over here as we've got a bumper crop of new releases in this month's Singles Bar - we'll have a couple of EP's later this morning but for now let's get started by pouring a cold one and looking at the singles themselves...


We could only really start with a new effort from Ginger Wildheart & The Sinners really as Lately Always (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗) represents the second release from their upcoming debut album due in October. Ginger's spoken of the Sinners as being an outlet for the much-loved country-influenced side of his output and while its predecessor Wasted Times didn't quite showcase this, great though it was, this is more what you might be expecting, a gentle mid-paced effort which is a perfect soundtrack to those lazy summer evenings chilling out in the garden. Great stuff as you'd expect. Bandcamp Link


Ginger's not the only member of the Wildhearts fraternity with a release this month as well as Scott Sorry has also returned to the fray with The Saint Of Philadelphia (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗), a touching ode to his late bandmate from the Sinatras, Roger Segal who sadly lost his life earlier this year. Building well on Sorry's excellent When We Were Kings album from a few years ago, this is a soaring ode to Segal which soars triumphantly with its fist-in-the-air chorus. It ain't a funeral, it's a wake and I'm sure that's how Segal would've wanted it. Great stuff. Bandcamp Link


Also making a welcome return to the fray this month are The Speedways with Shoulda Known (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑), a taster for their forthcoming third album Talk Of The Town, due in the autumn. There's a definite air of the Undertones here especially through Matt Julian's vocals although the sugar-sweet Romantics/Jags style melodies and backing vocals definitely add a dose of power-pop goodness into the equation. B-side Drop In The Ocean has a jangly almost '50s feel to it and is another good 'un. The Speedways are definitely a bit of an underrated group and this is another good release from them. Bandcamp Link


Pulled Apart By Horses...bluddyell, now THERE'S a name I'd not heard for a long time. Now resident on Alcopop records alongside the likes of Helen Love and the Cheerbleederz, it seems to have brought out a new pop sensibility in them on the evidence of First World Problems (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑). The emo anger of old is still very much there but this 'un adds a suitably spiky punk riff and a big gang-chant chorus in here to show a band growing their sound well. B-side Rinse And Repeat has a slightly out of control feel to it which reminds me of Mr Shiraz as well which is no bad thing. Bandcamp Link


Sturdy Wrists were formed from the ashes of Ferocity Lights, a band who I used to go and see quite a bit at various venues in Holloway and Camden back in my London days and Seize The Day (🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑) is no less than their fifth single. It's not a bad effort either with the frenetic panic-stricken nature of the song being reminiscent of Husker Du or maybe Bad Religion in one of their more mid-paced moments. Only slight complaint is that the vocals are a bit low in the mix which makes them a bit hard to keep track of at times but overall this isn't a bad effort at all. Bandcamp Link


Well, who'da thunk it? Just a couple of weeks after we did a Garbage Days Revisited on them, a new Newtown Neurotics single lands on our review desk and Climate Emergency (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑) isn't a bad comeback effort at all with the tight rhythms and Steve Drewitt's on-point-as-always lyrics combining to make something that reminds you just what a vital cog bands like the Neurotics are in the music scene. Worth investigating.


Something a bit different to what we normally cover now as Sun's Signature are a collaboration between the Cocteau Twins' Liz Fraser and Massive Attack's Damon Reece and their debut single Apples (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑) is as gentle and dreamy as you'd expect. Fraser is actually sounding better than ever here with her gentle voice being swept along on a wave of acoustic guitars and percussion to create something which will give you a few moments of much needed peace among the horrors of the world at the moment. Definitely worth investigating - expect a review of the mini-album in next month's Singles Bar.


It's no secret that the summer months can see a bit of a paucity of new releases and trust me, there were a few releases we were sent this month that didn't make the grade just because of not being very good (names understandably withheld). So the late arrival of a new Jesse Malin single just as we were going to press was something of a timely intervention. And I'm pleased to report that Keep On Burning (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑) is a good effort from the guy - a moody slice of breakup regret powered along by acoustic guitars and icy piano which is up with Malin's usual high standards. Good cover of Oh Oh I Love Her So on the B-side as well. Bandcamp Link


Finally, something topical to finish off with Manchester lo-fi punks Loose Articles releasing their new single Kick Like A Girl (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑) as a well aimed fuck-you to womens' football detractors in the wake of the Lionesses' World Cup win. It builds from a jerky staccato start to an enjoyably shambolic slice of early Fall style punk and is definitely one of the better things I've heard this month. Bandcamp Link


As I mentioned earlier, this month's Singles Bar was definitely a case of sorting out the wheat from the chaff but hopefully we've come up with a suitably good set of newies for you to go and investigate. Check back later this morning when we'll have a couple of EP reviews to complete the picture for this month. Until then...


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