Album Review: The Gypsy Moths - "Following The Races"


Rum Bar Records seem to have gone into a bit of a busy spell recently with this being the third album from them that we've reviewed in these webpages in as many weeks after quite a long quiet spell with the soul power rock 'n' roll of the Magnificent and the agreeably straightforward glam-punk of the Legendary Swagger both making their way on to our review desk of late.

Boston natives the Gypsy Moths are a bit of a less straightforward proposition with the horn-soaked power-pop of Effortlessly reminding me a bit of the Saints' '80s output (Follow The Leaders etc) before Slow Healer goes for an almost disco style feel (although if you're of a certain vintage then you may find it difficult to get 10cc's terrible Dreadlock Holiday out of your head while listening to it!) and These Days Will Run has that pounding drum intro which recalls the Spencer Davis Group's Keep On Runnin'.

The main standout track on the album is The Continuing Story of Arthur Duffy which has an Exile era Stones feel to it with its loose piano and sax swagger (with maybe a hint of the Quireboys in there as well) and is well worth a listen in its own right with the rollicking We Can't Go Home being almost as good. At the other end of the scale, Relievio is a pretty weak effort which sounds more like a fourth division Small Faces than anything and For All I Care sounds a bit generic as well. City Point has an intriguing Deep Purple/Charlatans style drum shuffle powering it along and Maybe This Christmas might have landed a good five months early but it's an enjoyable slice of out of season festive balladry.

Following The Races is a bit of a mixed bag to be honest but there's more good than bad here and the best moments (especially the aforementioned Arthur Duffy) definitely merit a listen. The Gypsy Moths aren't quite the finished article on this evidence but they've got plenty of good ideas in here even if not all of them hit the bullseye and with a bit of extra refinement, they could well be capable of delivering something pretty damn special next time out. Keep your eye on 'em.

Bandcamp Link

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑🌑 (7/10)


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