Album Review: Suckerpunch - "An Eye For A Lie"


Hailing from Birmingham, Suckerpunch describe themselves as the missing link between the Wildhearts and GBH so the initial signs for this one were good. Having listened to An Eye For A Lie, I can definitely hear elements of both of the above in there but it's not quite the whole story.

The opening duo of the gammon-skewering I Zombie and the equally angry View From The Moodswings show a political awareness to the lyrics and have some impressive machine gun drumming and dextrous guitar work while Weaponised Idiot takes the heaviness up another notch into almost Motorhead-esque territory.

The lyrics remain thoughtful throughout - Obsessive No 7 and 3 Days both deal with depression and Instagrudge takes aim at web-based "influencers" although Kayfabe Baby adds a bit of humour into the mix by comparing relationships to wrestling! The group remain tight and focused throughout with some good musicianship on here although my only slight complaint is that they could maybe do with a tiny bit more variety sonically as they don't really deviate too far from the whole frenetic thrash punk with tunes formula throughout. However, the tunes are of a good enough standard here that it's easily forgivable.

An Eye For A Lie is pretty much a classic piss 'n' vinegar punk debut album, full of energetic fury about the world's injustices and with plenty of good hooks and riffs to keep you interested. If Suckerpunch can take this template and build on it then they could very well be a band to watch.

Bandcamp Link

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑🌑 (7/10)


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