Album Review: The Muslims - "Fuck These Fuckin' Fascists"


"The Muslims is a crunchy, kickass punk band of black & brown queer muzzies. Your racist dad is a piece of shit and THIS IS NOT A SAFE SPACE."

Now THAT, my friends, is how you do a press release! Signed to Epitaph, I think there's no doubting South Carolina natives the Muslims' punk credentials on the above and with this 12 track album clocking in at just 22 minutes, this is very much hard, fast and loud old school '77 punk in the best X-Ray Spex style.

Similar to Bob Vylan, songs like the title track, Crotch Pop A Cop and Kill Your Masters definitely don't spare on the venom, leaping straight in with teeth bared while Illegals' chorus of "No-one's illegal but white people!" shows that this is a band who are done with compromise and caring about who they offend.

Musically, it's gleefully shambolic and DIY in the best Television Personalities style but while this could've been its undoing, it somehow adds to the punk energy and because it's so short and sharp it just doesn't have time to start repeating itself and wearing thin (the downfall of a good few first albums from DIY punks in recent years like Amyl & The Sniffers) which works in its favour. And really, how can you honestly dislike an album with a song called John McCain's Ghost Sneaks Into The White House And Tea Bags The President?

So yeah, let there be no doubt that the Muslims are most definitely a punk band but crucially they're also a pretty damn good punk band who are trading on more than just being fast and loud and cheap slogans with Fuck These Fuckin' Fascists being a truly righteous and incendiary blast of energy from the disenfranchised. Well worth a spin. 

Bandcamp Link

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑 (8/10)


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