Album Review: Idles - “Ultra Mono”


When the Idles put out their 2018 debut Joy As An Act Of Rebellion, they pretty much became press darlings across the board overnight. I have to be honest though, to these ears I struggled to see the the hype to be honest. In their solidarity anthem Danny Nedelko they came up with an absolute stormer of a tune and one of the best songs of the year but a lot of the rest of it fell short to these ears.

So it's safe to say that going into reviewing Ultra Mono, I was very much of the opinion that it was put up or shut up time for the band and I'm pleased to say it very much goes into the former camp. Opening track War? barrels in on a truly pulverising riff as the band scream about standing up to government before Grounds takes the aggro up yet another level screaming against everything from government oppression to racist fuckwits and you know we're properly in business here.

It's third track Mr Motivator that really properly nails it here though, mixing the lyrical skill of Scroobius Pip with a ferocious soaring guitar line reminiscent of prime time PIL. Truly stirring stuff. Anxiety starts off as a lament to getting dumped by your girlfriend before the anger builds up into a proper maelstrom addressing everything from global warming to the government's continued screwing over of the poorest in this country.

It isn't plain sailing throughout - Model Village is clearly designed to be a scathing diatribe against smalltown "Little Englander" types but the lyrics come across as sneering at those less politically educated than yourself rather than righteously angry - however, it's a rare foot put wrong here and the brutal likes of Reigns, Carcinogenic and the MeToo referencing Ne Touche Pas Moi are more than good enough to ensure it's quickly forgotten about.

If Idles' first album was the sound of a group still getting the handle on their sound a bit, they've well and truly mastered it on Ultra Mono. The hype might just be starting to get justified here I reckon - give it a listen at the Idles' Bandcamp page to find out more.

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑 (8/10)


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