Album Review: Black Angel - "Kiss Of Death"


Well blimey, someone's been listening to their old Sisters of Mercy albums, haven't they? Londoners Black Angel are, it's fair to say I think, somewhat in thrall to the classic goth sounds of the '80s and their second album Kiss of Death sounds like it could almost have been genetically engineered from a stray strand of Andrew Eldritch's DNA.

So why is it such an addictive listen then? I think it's because this band realise that if you're going to be musical magpies then treat the stuff you're casually pilfering from with the respect it deserves. Hence this album is a riot of killer hooks on icy guitars, sinister vocals (which actually sound more like a cross between Wayne Hussey and Rebel Yell era Billy Idol), occult-y lyrics and big Vision Thing style choruses on the likes of the title track, Call The Night and Alchemy. Another comparison on this front might be that they sound like an English version of the 69 Eyes (check the fired up Hurricane for proof) and that's no bad thing at all. Ironically it’s only when they try to deviate from the formula such as on the slightly messy attempt at a Stooges soundalike Put Your Lips On Me that it comes unstuck slightly (plus there’s a very slight quality drop off on side two but that’s more an indication of how strong the first side of the album is).

Original they most definitely ain't but the crucial fact is that Black Angel are simply very good at what they do (ie late '80s style goth rock) so much to the fact that this actually sounds like some great lost Sisters album rather than a second division rip-off. Any goths out there looking for a new favourite band, this might just be them. You can explore a bit more at the Black Angel Bandcamp page.

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑🌑 (7/10)


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