Album Review: Givvi Flynn - "Tomboy"


Best known for her work with the Dowling Poole and Ginger Wildheart, this is actually Givvi Flynn's second solo album following on from 2013's under-rated Thieving From The Magpie's Nest. That album was one of the big underrated albums of the year mixing bright and shiny pop with some superb hooks to add a bit of a punch to good effect.

Tomboy, I'm pleased to report, carries on in much the same vein with the stomping '70s glam riff of Say Something and the more melodic If This Is It getting things off to a good start here. Tomboy definitely has a very strong '90s Britrock influence with the content veering from the stomping riffs of Antisocial Media and the title track through the creepy Too Much to the more mid-paced and reflective How Could I?. There's a few clever tricks on here too like how Versions goes from a sparse almost gothy beginning to a lightning-speed whiplash riff midway through and the back to calmer waters. Similarly, Totally Thrown goes from a stark piano intro to an Alice in Chains style grunge assault in the chorus.

Solid, varied and with plenty to get your teeth stuck into, Givvi has come up with a good effort here. Certainly fans of the Wildhearts and the Downing Poole should find plenty to enjoy here as should anyone with an appreciation of good rock music in general. Her Bandcamp page is where you need to head to for streaming and downloading.

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑 (8/10)


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