Album Review: Airbourne - “Boneshaker”

Quite honestly, the prospect of a new album from 
Aussie Acca-Dacca copyists Airbourne is something that I'd normally look forward to with all the enthusiasm of being told I've got to drink a soup tureen full of stale piss. After blasting on the scene with a supremely confident debut in 2008’s Runnin’ Wild, the law of diminishing returns well and truly whacked this band with a vengeance to the extent that when I reviewed 2017’s turgid Breakin’ Outta Hell, I suggested that it was the sound of a band flat out of ideas who’d pretty much shot their full load on their debut.

But...and I can't quite believe I'm saying this...Boneshaker is actually...okay? Even quite good in places actually. Maybe it's the fact that the last two albums from this lot were so dreadful but this is at least a step back in the right direction although obviously not in the same league as Runnin' Wild etc. Sure, it still sounds like an AC/DC rip-off but at least this time it's a half-decent AC/DC rip-off with added aggression and the tempo being upped as opposed to Breakin' Outta Hell which just sounded like a dozen half-arsed retreads of Touch Too Much and its even worse predecessor Black Dog Barking (which was such a limp effort it should’ve been called Black Chihuahua Yapping)

At times such as on the satisfyingly chugging title track, they even get close to the awesome bareknuckle brawler rock of Broken Teeth although they're not quite of the same quality. But at least this shows that Airbourne might just still have a bit of fight left in 'em. We await their next move with interest...

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌖🌖🌖🌖🌖🌖🌖🌑🌑🌑 (7/10)


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