The Nite Songs Singles Bar - November 2022

As that well known rock philosopher W Axl Rose once observed, it's hard to hold a candle in the cold November rain. I mean, he didn't say anything about reviewing new singles in it like but we've got to start somewhere. Anyway, come in and take some shelter from the storms outside why don'tcha and let's see what's on the singles bar this month shall we?...

Anyway, starting us off as we take our seats at the bar this month are Bob Vylan, whose The Price Of Life will almost certainly be up there when it comes to our end of year awards in a few months' time. Their new single The Delicate Nature (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕) featuring Slaves' Laurie Vincent might just be their strongest yet. Relatively restrained by the Vylan standards, it still has plenty of the anger of old directed against gentrification and the cleansing of underprivileged inner city areas but opts for a new stealthier approach railing against gentrification before amping up to a brutally heavy outro. Great stuff from a band that are continuing to grow with every release. On this evidence, it's almost frightening to think how good their second album could be. Bandcamp Link

Another person likely to be up there when we do the Albums of the Year list in a few weeks is Simon Love and R*E*P*E*A*T* records have a split single by him and Swansea Sound under the Do You Think I'm Flexi? (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑) banner. Swansea Sound's Indies Of The World is a stirring lo-fi pop call to arms to get out there and support your local record store or label while Love's Universal Love is an orchestral pop tour de force with an impressive amount of sound change-ups crammed into its two and a half minutes. Well worth a look. Bandcamp Link

It's good to see veteran Leeds scuzzers the Kingcrows back in these webpages again with a new single Young Guns Of Nowhere Town (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑). Definitely a bit of a Clash vibe going on here with the I Fought The Law style feel, chiming guitars and big gang chant chorus. In other words, everything you'd expect and want from a Kingcrows single. Recommended. Bandcamp Link

And speaking of bands who we've not heard from for a long time, it's got to be a good four years at least since Humberside thrashers Ming City Rockers' last album but it would appear that a new effort is on the horizon and Jill Was An Anarchist (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑) is the second single from it, an engaging slice of lo-fi punk that sounds like the Ramones jamming with Wire. Not bad at all, definitely a bit of a departure from their old schtick and it's definitely got me curious as to what the new album will sound like. Bandcamp Link

The prospect of a Penfriend/Ned's Atomic Dustbin supergroup is probably not something you ever envisioned but Obey Robots, featuring Laura Kidd and Neds' guitarist Rat are indeed a thing and on the evidence of Not The Quiet Type (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑) prove that they're definitely a prospect worth reckoning with, melding Kidd's impassioned vocals with Rat's sky-surfing riff to come up with something that feels like a bit of an anthem in waiting when all's said and done. Recommended. Bandcamp Link

You'll certainly never catch us complaining about the arrival of a new Helen Love single around these parts and I'll Wear The Sparks One (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑) is a fun two minute Ramones style romp about picking out your favourite band T-shirt and is quite simply great fun. As always, thoroughly recommended especially if you need something to brighten up these increasingly short winter days. Bandcamp Link

Yet ANOTHER comeback now in the form of Vince Ray whose Monster Hop A-Bop-A-Lula (🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑) obviously dropped just in time for Halloween a couple of weeks back. It's what you'd expect from the guy - a slice of scuzzy lo-fi gorehound rockabilly which, even though the production's a bit shonky, will put a smile on your face and get your toe tapping. And sometimes that's all ya need really.

Venus Grrrls have been looking like a promising prospect for quite some time and new single Aries (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑) should see their profile continue to grow nicely. Mixing Within Temptation style goth melodrama with pounding guitars and an almost Depeche Mode style synth riff, this shows a band with plenty of strings to their bow who definitely deserve your attention. Bandcamp Link

Finally (well, not quite finally, we've got an EP in here as well for your delectation below), Nottingham noisemongers New Generation Superstars are one of those bands who seem to have been treading the boards forever but are still going strong and new single Raise A Toast (🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑) sees them heading off on an almost glam-punk direction, half Babysitters half Sham 69 with a simple ode to sinking a few and enjoying yerself. Proof that sometimes the simple pleasures are the best and well worth a listen. Bandcamp Link



Now here's a contender for most unlikely supergroup of the year - late '70s Brummie punks Satan's Rats (who later went on to some minor chart success as the Photos in the early '80s) have reformed in a new guise as Satan's Cats with the name change being due to the presence of Pussycat & The Dirty Johnsons frontwoman Puss up front in this new line-up. The Satan's Cats EP consists of four re-recordings of the group's old '70s numbers plus a cover of Thin Lizzy's The Rocker and to be fair, the new slightly punkabilly stylings plus Puss' distinctive vocals definitely breathe a bit of new life into these songs - Sex Object in particular works well with the new arrangements.

Whether this is just a one-off EP or something more substantial will come of it remains to be seen but it definitely isn't a bad effort by any stretch of the imagination. 

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑🌑 (7/10)


Anyway, closing time beckons and so we must send you back out into the cold misty November night. Safe journey folks and we'll see you back here for the Singles Bar Christmas Special next month.


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