Album Review: Hayley and The Crushers - "Modern Adult Kicks"


We first discovered Hayley and the Crushers via their Fun Sized EP last year. Modern Adult Kicks is actually these Californians' second album and sees them building on the pop-punk sound of that EP and their previous album Vintage Millennial in good style.

The key, it seems, is a more power-pop influenced direction. Hence while the Ramones and Go-Go's influences are still very much writ large on this album, a lot of the songs here are nearer to 3 minutes than 2 allowing the melodies to come to the fore a bit more. Hence Broken Window is an enjoyable slice of Joan Jett style tuneful defiance and I Fall could almost be a long lost Revillos song with its shameless harking back to that day-glo '50s vibe, likewise the retro flavoured California Sober which is a pure singalong power pop delight. However, the anti-clickbait Click And Act Now! shows that the snotty punk spite is very much still there in the background and the vitriolic break-up ode Lost Cause and the well aimed potshot at social media warriors Overexposed both have just that right mix of sugar and spite.

Modern Adult Kicks is basically everything a good sophomore album should be, advancing Hayley & The Crushers' sound forward just the right amount while keeping the best bits about their debut intact. For those looking for some sugar sweet power-pop with a hint of acidity to brighten up these dark winter days, this isn't a bad place to investigate at all.

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