Album Review: Spunk Volcano & The Eruptions - "Knackers Yard"


So this is it then. After a decade of some of the more enjoyably foul-mouthed punk rock to have sprung up in these desperate times, Knackers' Yard is the final album from Spunk Volcano & The Eruptions with the band going on what will hopefully be a temporary hiatus for the foreseeable future.

Pleased to report that it's exactly the sort of no-nonsense fist-to-the-face punk rock you'd expect from Spunk and his crew with the vicious likes of I Am A Capsule and It's All Kicking Off being prime slices of two minute aggro while Job Opportunity is a lament against being given community service and the title track bemoans the effect that aging can have on your joints and feck knows, I can relate to that.

However, they show signs of branching away from the tried and tested brass knuckle punk template as well though with the six minute chugging riff-fest of Madhouse going into almost Anthrax territory (and not just for the title either) and Pit Bull Facelift and Morphine both have some almost thrash-level intense riffage. I think this can definitely hold its head up as being the heaviest Eruptions album to date with only the sinister closer Dead And The Mirror really dropping the pace below breakneck. But that's not a bad thing by any standard.

Although it's not quite the Eruptions' best album (that award still goes to 2016's awesome Shit Generation), this is still a more than respectable parting gift from the Eruptions with all the foul mouthed furiosity you'd expect from the band. They will be missed.

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑 (8/10)


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