Album Review: Captain Future - "Ghostman"


Captain Future is the alter ego of Alex McGowan, frontman of the Future Shape Of Sound whose 2018 album Shakedown Gospel was one of the surprise triumphs of that year, mixing swampy voodoo blues, soul and classic rock 'n' roll to devastating effect.

With FSOS having their plans disrupted by the lockdown last year, McGowan has opted to put out a solo effort and as the opening duo of the smoky sinister Holy Waters and the lurking Zombie Lover (which sounds oddly like Tom Waits trying his hand at reggae) prove, it's just as much of a varied and intoxicating brew as Shakedown Gospel was. And so it continues as the record swings from the Screamin' Jay Hawkins indebted Oh People through the haunting minimalist seven minute Rowing To The Pub to the almost rockabilly style Wrong And You Like It with minimal fuss. I Liked You When You Were Gone even sounds like Paul-Ronney Angel fronting the Cure which is a weird image but works better than it really has any right to.

If I'm going to nit-pick slightly here, those with short attention spans should note that this is definitely an album that it'll take you a few listens to get into - several songs sprawl over the five minute mark and occasionally threaten to go into studio jam territory meaning it's a bit of a difficult beast to sit through in one go. But persevere with Ghostman and you'll find plenty of rewards there. Certainly those who enjoy the seedier side of blues, rock 'n' roll and jazz (and Urban Voodoo Machine fans) will find plenty to enjoy on this album.

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑🌑 (7/10)


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