Album Review: Nick Marsh - "Waltzing Bones"


Nick Marsh's passing five years ago following a protracted battle with throat cancer saw him leave behind an incredibly rich and under-rated legacy. From his work in the '80s with Flesh For Lulu (a band who in a just world would have gained the sort of plaudits and sales that their fellow year zero goths the Sisters of Mercy did) through his haunting 2010 solo album A Universe Between Us to his woozy guitar work with the Urban Voodoo Machine, his back catalogue is well worth exploring.

Waltzing Bones represents the final chapter in Marsh's legacy - he was working on the album at the time of his passing and the album has been finished over the last couple of years by his widow, Katharine Blake (Miranda Sex Garden, Medieval Baebes) as well as a number of his friends and musical collaborators. The seasick six minute waltz of Masquerade sees Marsh continuing with the sinister themes of A Universe Between Us and sets the scene nicely for this effort before the flamenco-folk collision of Gotta Run taps into the more mournful end of the Voodoos' repertoire.

The highlights come thick and fast throughout Waltzing Bones - the aching country lament of Last Train To Wherever backed up by some lush instrumentation from Blake, is truly lovely while the laconic The Day It Rained Forever has an almost blues-waltz feel to it. Single Crazy Eyes meanwhile is blasted along on a T-Rex style glam stomper of a riff and is another highlight, likewise the sinister cocktail jazz of Spiderwoman and the yearning title track which closes things. Atmospheric instrumentals like The Shiny Void and Somma My Friends also do a good job of showing off Marsh's ability as a musician.

Waltzing Bones is a fine tribute to a man who was taken way too soon by cancer and Blake and co can commend themselves on a job well done in getting it ready for release. Showing off Nick Marsh's talent as a singer and songwriter, it's a varied, enjoyable and beguiling effort that'll draw you back for listen after listen and comes highly recommended. You can download or stream it from the Nick Marsh Bandcamp page.

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑 (8/10)


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