Album Review: Diablofurs - "Neon Satellites"


Diablofurs have previously shared a split release with the very under-rated Deadcuts (RIP) and feature at least one ex-member of semi-legendary "we were the Manics before the Manics" Coventry indie-punks Birdland so the initial omens for this release were pretty promising.

Put any thoughts of the scuzzier end of early '90s alternative music out of your mind though because on this evidence, Diablofurs appear to have set their controls for a good decade earlier with a full on power-pop/new wave sound. The opening duo of Chase The Beat and Everybody's Dreamin' come on like Parallel Lines era Blondie being fronted by Gary Numan and it's not an unpleasant sound at all.

The album continues on the early '80s vein throughout with the title track coming on like Tubeway Army going pop while the epic Obsession/Meteors is probably the closest thing stylistically to Birdland on here but the bubbling synths certainly mark it as being a new evolved version of the sound. Perfect Ghost sounds like Japan if they'd actually mastered the art of writing a memorable tune while Rival Grrrls initially comes on like the Undertones gone full-on new wave before the chorus steps the pace up a notch to good effect. World In 260 sounds like the Bowie-gone-powerpop awesomeness of the sadly underrated Cuddly Toys and Heart In Motion sounds like a punked-up Depeche Mode of all things. That they somehow carry this off is testament to their ability with a catchy tune and hook before closer Pressure Don't Stop sounds like Primal Scream's Rocks being dragged into a '70s glam disco and doused in glitter. 

I was really impressed with this album - it sounds like Diablofurs have waded full on into a scrap between the punks and the new romantics circa 1981 and emerged grinning clutching the prize scalps from both sides. Neon Satellites is definitely well worth a look.

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑 (8/10)


  1. Deadcuts are still together album summer 2021 -

    1. Really good news - looking forward to hearing it! 🙂


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