Album Review: The Weird Things - "Code:533"


The Weird Things first came to this reviewer's attention when I saw them on their home turf at the Croydon Rocks festival a couple of years ago. They were one of the better bands of the weekend and I was suitably impressed to give their debut album Ten Digit Freak a spin after seeing them - it was a decent effort as well with the group peddling an energetic brand of pop-punk.

For their second album, the group have decided to move things on a bit with Code:533 being a kind of semi-concept album with a lot of the songs being based around issues facing young people today such as discrimination against tattooed people (Inky), suicide (Sinner Or Saint, Not Ready) and heroin abuse (Thirteen). It's a brave move but the main problem here is that the group kind of fall between two stools on this one, not quite energetic enough to be a punk band but not quite heavy enough to be a full-on rock band either and it kind of leaves them in a bit of a no man's land.

It still has its moments - Time For You To Go is an amusing tale of one night stands gone wrong once the beer goggles wear off while the laid back menace of Leave Me Alone and the seasick grungy stylings of the aforementioned Thirteen are good as well. But for every track like that, there's something which doesn't quite hit the mark such as Why?, Bubblegum Head and Dirty Boys, some of which aren't helped by the lyrics being absolute howlers as well.

A bit hit and miss all told although it's not a terrible effort. The Weird Things just need to find a bit more of a punch with their next one I think...

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌑🌑🌑🌑 (6/10)


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