Album Review: Hard Wax - "This Is The Sound"

It's a bit odd when you think about it that the bootboy glam revival spearheaded by Giuda and Faz Waltz has so far mostly been confined to Italy given that when the movement first came around in the '70s, it was very much a UK phenomenon as epitomised by groups like Slade.

Hard Wax are clearly a band keen to bring back those days and on This Is The Sound, their second album, they come on like the bastard offspring of Noddy Holder and Jimmy Pursey with the chugging glam riffs and bootboy chantalong lyrics mostly about drinking and fighting. It's fairly straightforward stuff for the most part although there's the odd diversion to make sure it stays interesting such as the AC/DC style riffage on Razor Part Rebels or the oddly enjoyable excursion into Chas & Dave style East End pub piannah rock on Days Of Glory. The best track on here though is the barrelling closer In For A Penny which is reminiscent of the Heavy Metal Kids and signs the album off in good style.

Original it very much ain't but at least Hard Wax have got enough of a tunefulness about them to make This Is The Sound an enjoyable listen. If you're not a fan of this sort of music then this probably won't change your mind but for those who enjoy checking out those junkshop glam compilations that have come back into fashion in recent years, this should be right up your alley.

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑🌑 (7/10)


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