A brief return from the dead...


Yup, we're back. Don't all get excited at once. I’d been toying with the idea of doing an end of year list again this year and after a lot of umming and aahing eventually decided to go for it.

As with last year, inevitably there were bumps along the way. As of the start of December, I thought this list would be around 40 albums but inevitably reading other people’s lists pointed me towards a bunch of stuff that had passed me by earlier in the year. Plus of course there’s always a few teasing buggers who put stuff out at the last possible moment. So 40 became 50 which became 60 which finally became 70. You lucky people.

Actually though, reading through this list, the main thing that strikes me is that I think this might be the most musically varied end of year list that Nite Songs has ever done. From gentle acoustics through acclaimed indie veterans to punk thrash and good old fashioned scuzzy rock ‘n’ roll via some decidedly unexpected diversions (industrial folk music? Check. Feminist nu-metal? Check), it’s certainly made for an enjoyable year of listening. Oh and there’s a lot more folk music in there than I thought there’d be. Good year for the genre? Your correspondent turning into a cantankerous middle aged git? I’ll let you lot decide that one…

Anyway, we’ll start this off with a double bill on Boxing Day as we go from 70-51 then it’ll be ten a day from there to New Year’s Eve. So enjoy Christmas, don’t overdose on James sodding Corden whatever you do and we’ll see you on the other side for the end of year countdown…


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