Album Review: Tyla's Dogs D'Amour - "Tree Bridge Cross"


I've opined many a time in these pages about how I'm still annoyed that Tyla and the classic Dogs line-up still can't seem to get on with each other but when it comes down to it, I'll always give the Wolverhampton Wanderer's releases the time of day around here. I think to be honest, by this point I've kind of accepted that Tyla at least seems happy enough with his current Dogs line-up.

Following on from the reasonable enough Dice Clown Man EP from a couple of months ago, Tree Bridge Cross is the first Dogs album since 2018's In Vino Veritas (although a number of EP's have surfaced since then) and, y'know what, it's not bad. The likes of the title track and Journey To The Centre Of The Soul are solid rockers while the lurching balladry of Stole My Love sees Tyla teaming up with his old mate Spike and the slide guitar blues of Angel Lane conjures up memories of the Dogs' late '80s glory days. Elsewhere, Raining Fire almost has a hint of the Stooges in its feral riff and former single Powder Dry is an agreeable enough lament. The only slight downer on the album is Moth To The Flame which just sounds a bit aimless but it's quickly washed out of your memory with the gentle acoustic ode to the passing of time Ghosts which brings this one to an agreeable close and might just be the best song here.

Honestly, Tree Bridge Cross was actually a pleasant surprise and is probably as good an album as you could expect from Tyla in 2022. I wouldn't class it next to the imperial Dogs line-up obviously but I'd definitely go so far as to say that it might just be the best thing Tyla's put out with this line-up and that's not a bad recommendation at all.

Bandcamp Link

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑 (8/10)


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