Album Review: Monkey Mind - "Monkey Mind"


Confession - this is an album that's actually been out for a few months (it first saw the light in the dying days of 2021) but we missed at the time. However, it just to say falls within our remit of "no reviews of albums more than 12 months old" so better late than never.

Anyway, Monkey Mind are a bit of a north east punk supergroup featuring both Lee from Crashed Out and Olga from the legendary Toy Dolls among their number and this self-titled debut album is an enjoyably self-assured first shot across the bows from them. More than anything, they remind me a lot of the Descendents which is definitely no bad thing as the frenetic chugging riffs of Mr Wright and There's Something About Lauren get this one off to a good start. The vocals definitely remind me a bit of Billie Joe Armstrong as well but I mean that in a good way I promise.

It would have been very easy for Monkey Mind to start repeating themselves but I think the big plus point of this album is that there's enough variety in here to keep you interested throughout with the likes of Girl In A Jar providing a more mid-paced alternative to the faster tracks while the band's theme song Monkey Mind could almost be a punked-up Kinks if you squint hard enough. The acoustic intro to the Yo-Yo's-esque singalong of Black Clouds is another standout moment and Get Rid Ov 'Im, Buddy Love (A Spaniel's Tail) and Small Man Syndrome show the sort of sly sense of humour that's been Olga's trademark with the Toy Dolls for many a year coming to the surface.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this album but I really enjoyed it - it's basically 30-odd minutes of fun straightforward pop-punk that'll make you smile and get your toe tapping along. By all accounts, a new album is due from them next year and I'm definitely looking forward to hearing it on this evidence.

Bandcamp Link

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑 (8/10)


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