Album Review: Kicked In The Teeth - "Salt Rocket To Nowhere"


Cheshire's Kicked In The Teeth are one of those bands where you can kind of guess what's coming just from the band name alone and song titles like Break My Neck, Let It Die and We Will Take You With Us. Yup, we are very much in hardcore punk territory here as evidenced by the way opening track Tie Die Life crashes in on drums which sound like hailstones on a tin roof, chugging riffs and snarled vocals.

And I suppose whether you like this album or not will depend a lot on whether you like hardcore punk or not to be honest. For what it's worth though, KITT are one of the better bands I've heard of this ilk in recent years as they pack an agreeable amount of fury into the ten tracks and 25 minutes here with the likes of Hometown Showdown barrelling along like there's no tomorrow. They're a musically sound band as well with the rhythm section keeping things tight and some surprisingly adept guitar solos nipping in here and there (Beyond The Dane and 1983 especially have some decent axe work) to keep things interesting.

As I say, if you're not a hardcore punk fan to begin with then I can't see Kicked In The Teeth being the band to give you a road to Damascus moment about the genre but they at least offer a competent and occasionally surprisingly melodic take on the formula and Salt Rocket To Nowhere should at least give those who enjoy this sort of music something to get their teeth into this month. I've heard a lot worse by bands like this, put it that way.

Bandcamp Link

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑🌑 (7/10)


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