Album Review: Angus Khan - "Angus Khan II: The Wrath Of Khan"


Featuring at least one off-duty member of Nite Songs favourites the Streetwalkin' Cheetahs, this second album from US biker rock types Angus Khan had something of a protracted genesis. Originally released in 2020, it's taken the band 18 months to finally get it out there beyond the confines of their website thanks to Covid.

As you'd expect from the band name, this is definitely a group with a strong AC/DC influence with the headbanging riffs and leering vocals definitely conjuring up the spirit of Bon Scott nicely. Likewise, the snaky riff of Screaming Bloody Murder is reminiscent of early Broken Teeth and Palm Of My Hand definitely owes a sly nod to the old L.A. Guns classic Rip 'n' Tear.

On the surface, it may seem that Angus Khan are a fairly straightforward group musically but they're capable of throwing the odd surprise your way such as the New Orleans style horns and piano underpinning the sinister boogie of Graveyard Dance. It isn't quite all killer no filler - Sacrifice goes into full on widdle-widdle Iron Maiden territory and just about gets away with it and Machine Gun Funk brings back some unwelcome memories of Drowning Pool - but there's definitely more good than bad here.

They may be a firmly old school group of rock 'n' rollers but there's no denying that Angus Khan are good at what they do and Wrath Of Khan has plenty of no-brainer headbanging moments plus a few unexpected surprises to make up a good solid collection of rock 'n' roll. Recommended.

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑 (8/10)


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