Album Review: The DeRellas - "Something's Got To Give"


Regulars on the London glam-punk circuit for a good few years now, the DeRellas are one of those bands who, despite line-up instability, seem to have been slowly getting better and better over time and with Something's Got To Give they might just have delivered their strongest album to date.

Essentially they sound like the sort of thoroughly disreputable reprobates who you'd have found propping up a bar in Soho circa 1985 with the likes of Johnny Thunders, the Dogs D'Amour, the Lords of the New Church, Marionette and the Last of the Teenage Idols. It's there right from the way opener Don't Tell Me What I Did Last Night roars out of the traps like the Dead Boys at their scuzziest - in fact it's fair to say that the spirit of Stiv Bators definitely hangs heavy over this album as evidenced on the likes of Underground LUV (pure DB's despite its Dollsy title) and Sonic Generator.

However, this isn't the be-all and end-all of the album - quite simply, the DeRellas are a group who are good at sussing out what works when you've nailed your colours to the glam-punk mast. Hence Emergency 2020 takes the riff from Primal Scream's Rocks and dragging it down a back alley to batter the hell out of it with some knuckledusters while Life's Crashing and Sweet Fatal Attraction both sneakily cadge the riff from the old Professionals classic 1-2-3 but do it to good effect. The Dead Kennedys style political paranoia and Holy Bible era Manics style riff of Pressure Gonna Get Ya takes things off in another direction while former singles Soho Hotel and Inner City Rock 'n' Roll both have a hint of the Lurkers' simple-but-effective whiplash headbangerability about them. Even better is the chugging ominous Our World Tomorrow which is reminiscent of the early Black Halos, definitely one of the stronger tracks on here with the Generation X style bubblegum glam-punk of former single High Rise Supersize running it close.

Similar to Velvet Insane's Rock 'n' Roll Glitter Suit which we reviewed on here last week, Something's Gotta Give isn't going to win any awards for originality but the DeRellas' most definitely aren't simply ripping off obvious influences, more bringing the more obscure sounds they grew up with forward into the 2020s and it's this sheer energy and enthusiasm for their craft that carries this album through. Well worth a listen if you're after some serious scuzziness this month. 

Bandcamp Link

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑 (8/10)


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