Album Review: French Girls - "French Girls"


We first heard the French Girls via their five track EP earlier in the year and this debut album of theirs (on Rum Bar records as the EP was) sees them building their sound nicely with a well-refined set of razor-sharp power pop, crashing through 10 tracks in just 22 minutes.

We get three tracks from the EP - Crazy Yo!, Soda Pop and Aerobicise plus seven newies here and similar to the Ramones or the Lurkers before them, they follow the same pattern of two minute blasts of power-pop with one eye on '60s garage rock and the other on the poppier end of '70s punk. Oh sure, Independent Woman is a defiant slice of feminist pop-punk and is to be commended but for the most part, this is simplicity writ large with the likes of Summertime and Dude Rocker sounding like some sort of righteous collision between the Donnas and Helen Love or maybe the Grease soundtrack on a Tizer overdose.

Admittedly, variety isn't exactly the French Girls' watchword with only the Screaming Lord Sutch soundalike Pizza Party really deviating from the well-worn template but nevertheless, this is good fun, a proper short sharp blast of pop-punk just the way all yer favourites used to make. And sometimes, as we've often established, keeping things simple is the most effective way to be. In other words - it's alright for them what likes fun as we say up here in Yorkshire.

Bandcamp Link

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑🌑 (7/10)


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