Album Review: Electraluxx - "Buzz-o-Ramma"

Another signing from Rum Bar records, New Jersey's Electraluxx actually remind me a lot of some of the rock 'n' roll revival acts who you get on London's very own Dirty Water records such as King Salami & The Cumberland Three or MFC Chicken and to be honest I'm quite surprised they haven't been picked up by said label on this side of the Atlantic.

Buzz-o-Ramma packs an enjoyably stripped down skeletal sound and blasts through its 13 tracks in just 29 minutes with a jumpy wired energy that makes it an enjoyable listen as evidenced on the one minute opener Tight Black Pants Girl and the wired title track. There's a definite Chuck Berry/Bo Diddley influence on the likes of Catalina and Little Miss ESP while Knock The Dust Off and Time Bomb are pure Eddie Cochrane but the key is that it's done so well that you could almost believe Electraluxx's album is some great lost recording by a Gene Vincent/Vince Taylor influenced band from this era.

This album could easily have been a disaster - I mean let's be honest, most of Electraluxx's influences date from sixty plus years ago and hence have been pretty comprehensively mined over the years. But it's to this band's immense credit that they take such a venerable sound and put enough spark and energy into it to make it sound fresh and enjoyable. Buzz-o-Ramma is a quality album which will get your toe tapping and have you yearning to fire up that hot rod for a night on the town. 

NITE SONGS RATING: 🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌔🌑🌑 (8/10)


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