Sounds From The Junkshop Bonus - Footnotes 1998

Welcome to the hangover years. 1998 was a strange time for alternative music in the UK - Britpop was rapidly disappearing in the rear view mirror, New Labour's whole "Cool Britannia" thing had quickly been blown apart and exposed as the bullshit that it was ( "Meet the new boss. same as the old boss..." ) and there was a genuine confusion over where to go next... Which kind of sums up my whereabouts at this time as well. I was now living as a student in Stoke-on-Trent attending Keele University and hosting a bi-weekly show on the campus radio station KUBE FM. My shows were on a Tuesday evening and a Saturday morning and the Tuesday show would usually be preceded by me nipping into the Potteries to go to either HMV or the local indie Mike Lloyd Records to see if there were any new singles out that we hadn't received promos for at the station that I could play on the show. Trying to keep this operation going meant keeping one’s ear a lot closer to the ground f...