Garbage Days Revisited #1: The Stone Roses - "Second Coming" (1994)
"Listen up sweet child o'mine, have I got news for you/Nobody leaves this place alive, they'll die here, join the queue..." - The Stone Roses , Breaking Into Heaven So welcome to a new series on Nite Songs. And yes, it's another retrospective column. In this one, we'll take a look at albums which, while the bands who made them haven't exactly been forgotten (if they had been then they'd be in Sounds From The Junkshop), seem to have been treated somewhat unkindly by history. And while it will lean a little bit on some of my personal experiences growing up where it has to, this is more about why these albums deserve a second listen and, just maybe, a re-evaluation. And unlike SFTJ this won't be confined to the nineties and noughties either (yes I know we haven't really dealt with the noughties yet on SFTJ but we will get there eventually!) as we look back through rock history through a bit of a wider prism. Anyway, starting us off, probably on...